Our missions

HTSF-Canada is committed to working with communities in need

In over 40 years of professional homeopathic practice, teaching and research, Martine Jourde has created and implemented one of the very first community-based approaches to homeopathic health care.

She has developed an integrative approach to homeopathic health care for community populations.

This collective and integrative approach to health care through homeopathy aims at empowering individuals and families to meet the socio-economic challenges of their local and community life. Homeopathy, thus implemented, becomes a factor in the societal development of communities. HTSF-Canada is continuing this legacy.


The overall objectives of the missions in Honduras have been to develop and reinforce the capacity in homeopathy and homeoprophylaxis in a number of pilot communities by installing dispensaries and offering training to health professionals and community leaders within the larger objective of supporting sustainable community development.

When a mission is organized, additional objectives for the homeopaths joining the missions are:

  • To teach and practice the homeopathic case taking and prescribing in a clinical environment in a developing country.
  • To develop and teach prevention and treatment protocols for seasonal epidemic diseases.
  • To support the work of the Honduran HTSF volunteers in the preparation, installation and maintenance of a homeopathic dispensary in the community.
  • To support the work of the Honduran HTSF volunteers in offering first line homeopathic training to health professionals and community leaders.

These Honduran HTSF volunteers are very active local health promoters. They are responsible for the homeopathic dispensaries. Between 2015 and 2019, 7 dispensaries were installed and the women responsible for them have received first and second line HTSF training. They have maintained the dispensaries and provided homeopathic support to the people in need in the communities. During the missions, they are fully engaged in the clinical work with the Canadian volunteers.


Past Missions, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019.


HTSF-Canada has had a long-term relationship with its partners in Cuba. Since 2007, some of the goals of this collaboration are:

  • Providing ongoing homeopathic leadership in Translational Integrative Positive Health Approach and Medicine to address community resilience challenges, anticipative preparation and management of adaption and lifestyles disorders, with research and development projects and programs, such as : cancer support, neurological development of child, optimal cerebral health, maternal health, dental health, kidney insufficiency and metabolic syndrome integrated prevention, immunity and epigenetic health , pain issues, and community-based homeoprophylaxis. All of these actions are conducted in an evidence- based collaboration with Cuban Health professionals and institutional stakeholders.
  • Bridging Canadian/Ontarian and Cuban/ Matanzas, integrated health stakeholders in comparative community -based, multi- centre research projects, such as a Pilot Project on Micro- Environmental Development and Rehabilitation of Epigenetic Health Determinants with Integrated Homeopathy.
  • Collaborating with scientific, institutional, community, governmental stakeholders on any of the topics mentioned above, such as with University of Medical Sciences of Matanzas, where Martine Jourde, as Invited Collaborating Professor and Attached Researcher, is part of the Expert team in charge of implementing a four year 2021-2025 Local Development Project for ‘Natural Synchronization of Epigenetic Health’, with focus on translational integration of science & community health.
  • Supporting the long-term, national and international mission, expertise and experience of HTSF Canada in community-based, predictive and integrated applied homeopathy for sustainable research and development of epigenetic and environmental determinants of health in communities, families and individuals, wherever needed.

There are usually 2 yearly missions for the ongoing projects in Cuba.


International Integrative Workshop Theoretical-Practical Training and Mission

March 27th to April 1st 2023 in Varadero and Matanzas.

Part 1. Participation in the 4th VIRTUAL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY MEETING in Matanzas.

November 20-25, 2023.

Part 2. Mission in Cardenas (near Varadero): Integrative and inter-professional practical training, education, cooperation and research exchanges with the LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT of SEN (Sincronisacion Natural de Salud Epigenetica: = Natural Synchronization of Epigenetic Health). November 26-30, 2023.


HAITI 2016 PROJECT objectives : Support through HTSF homeopathy (first line care and home prophylaxis) the integrated community health and development project in Cap-Rouge in the south-eastern region.

In addition to the basic HTSF work (the Clover project concept) the project goals were:

  • Basic protocols education
  • Training of local volunteers
  • Autonomy in homeopathic remedies and interprofessional Exchanges of local knowledge and know-how
  • Homeoprophylaxis for current or future epidemics.

The project has 3 axes

  1. Mother-child health: mortality of more than 70% (national average), especially at the time of childbirth, there is an express request to strengthen the capacities of local midwives. HTSF could deploy the perinatal homeopathy approach, citing the example of India where this country now uses homeopathic protocols covering perinatal care.
  2. Prevention of sexuality / psychosocial and economic behavior in young people:
        • Early pregnancies 60% due to the lack of sex education for young people who represent 60% of the population
        • Sexually transmitted diseases.
  3. Development of food security and sustainable agro-economic projects for the community. Homeopathy for animal production, herd health and integrated pest management for plant diseases, since all of this is linked and has impacts on human health, on the economic, social and environmental aspects.

Mission years, 2016 and 2017.

Northern Ontario

The mission project for Northern Ontario is the first time the HTSF concept of First-Line Homeopathic Care will be developed in North America.

This project aims to help the First Nations people as well as those who live isolated from medical infrastructure and aid and who can benefit from the support of the HTSF remedy line in order to gain greater autonomy, develop their community networks, and enrich their communities with sustainability going forward to the future. This project is planned for 2022 and will launch in a similar way as the Honduras project with a mission base in North Bay and later with satellite sites in more remote areas.


Mission planned for Autumn 2024.


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About HTSF-Canada

HTSF-Canada is a Canadian non-profit organization (NPO) that works in partnership with communities in Canada and overseas with the goal to empower them in their primary health care needs with homeopathy as a support.

Copyright © 2024 HTSF-Canada

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